By Jason Klaiber 

Staff Writer, Eagle News

Over the past year, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse has allowed the public to use its electric vehicle charging stations installed by solar developer Renua Energy. The pair of dual-port Level 2 alternating current (AC) charging stations are available for use 24/7 to anyone who wishes to plug in and charge an electric vehicle in their lot. The only requirement the church has is that if you use one of those adjoining parking spaces, your vehicle cannot be one with an internal combustion engine. The “light commercial” charging station project was carried out for the church at no cost by Renua Energy, which presents that offer to nonprofits and various commercial clients alike. “Based on the circumstances of the host site or potential customer, we can structure the solution so that it maximizes their benefits from a financial, community service and environmental standpoint,” said Dave Byrne, the president and founder of the company. “We’re grateful that they gave us the opportunity to collaborate with them on this, because it’s a great service to the community.”

Read the full article here.