Our client, Michael Ackerman, CEO of EcoForests Asset Management, was recently quoted in ImpactAlpha speaking to the need for managed forestry as a necessary measure to mitigate wildfire damage.
Maui’s fires, along with those in Canada, Greece and other regions, are “a call to action” to step up sustainable land and forest management, Michael Ackerman of Ecoforests Asset Management told ImpactAlpha.
Managed forests face less than 1% loss from fires, says Ackerman, pointing to research from the Timber Resource Group. In Maui’s case, it was overgrown non-native grasslands that provided fuel for the fires, a risk wildfire experts had warned about for years.
“If you have a vast area of grasslands and you have satellite imagery that says the area is overheated, then you can send a team to do a fire break of the grasslands and control it before it spreads to a neighboring city or community,” says Ackerman.
Read the full article here.