With consumers demanding more sustainable products and services, some companies and brands are exaggerating their green claims and credentials—resulting in “greenwashing,” an increasingly common marketing ploy. With millennials becoming increasingly astute at telling eco-fact from fiction, here’s how to earn their trust—and brand loyalty.
Well-known companies are being held to account for sustainability misinformation in marketing. Miscommunications, PR missteps, and blatant false advertising are sweeping the green market, so green businesses that sincerely take their eco-friendly mission to heart need to take charge of their image and messaging. This PR tactics guide shows that a greenwashed market doesn’t have to be a liability for green companies–it’s a branding opportunity.
Crafted by the green PR leaders who head Sustainable PR in Glens Falls, NY, this e-book is the best 10 minutes you’ll spend on your sustainable business marketing this year. Learn how your savvy green company can turn younger generations of skeptical consumers into fierce brand advocates with the power of earned media tactics.
Download the ebook now for free to grab an edge on your competitors. You’ll be added to the Sustainable PR email list with strategies and earned media news directly to your inbox.